Understanding Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Varicose veins are a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While often considered a cosmetic concern, varicose veins can also cause discomfort and lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. At iQonic, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care and effective treatment options for those dealing with varicose veins. In this guide, we’ll explore what varicose veins are, why they occur, how to recognise the symptoms, and the various treatment options available to help you achieve healthier, more comfortable legs.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that typically appear on the legs and feet. They occur when the valves in the veins, which help regulate blood flow, become weakened or damaged. This causes blood to pool in the veins, leading to their characteristic swollen and bulging appearance. Varicose veins are often dark blue or purple and can be raised above the skin's surface.

While varicose veins are most commonly found on the legs, they can develop in other parts of the body as well. They are a sign that the veins are not functioning properly and that blood is not circulating as effectively as it should.

Causes of Varicose Veins

Several factors can contribute to the development of varicose veins, including:

  • Genetics: A family history of varicose veins increases the likelihood of developing the condition. If your parents or grandparents had varicose veins, you may be more prone to experiencing them as well.
  • Age: As we age, the veins lose elasticity, and the valves within them may weaken. This can cause blood to flow backward and pool in the veins, leading to varicose veins. People over the age of 50 are more likely to develop this condition.
  • Gender: Women are more likely to develop varicose veins than men. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, and the use of birth control pills can contribute to vein weakness.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the volume of blood in the body increases to support the growing baby. This can put extra pressure on the veins, particularly in the legs, leading to the development of varicose veins. The increased levels of hormones during pregnancy can also relax the vein walls.
  • Obesity: Carrying excess weight puts additional pressure on the veins, especially in the legs. This can make it more difficult for blood to flow back to the heart, contributing to the formation of varicose veins.
  • Prolonged Standing or Sitting: Occupations or activities that require long periods of standing or sitting can increase the risk of developing varicose veins. When you remain in the same position for extended periods, blood flow slows, and pressure builds up in the veins.
  • Inactivity: A lack of regular exercise can weaken the muscles that help support the veins, leading to poor circulation and an increased risk of varicose veins.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

While varicose veins are often visible and easy to identify, they can also cause a range of symptoms that may impact your comfort and quality of life:

  • Visible, Bulging Veins: The most obvious symptom of varicose veins is the appearance of twisted, enlarged veins on the surface of the skin, usually on the legs.
  • Aching or Throbbing Pain: Many people with varicose veins experience aching, throbbing, or a heavy sensation in the legs, particularly after standing or sitting for long periods.
  • Swelling: Varicose veins can cause swelling in the lower legs and ankles, making the legs feel heavy and tired.
  • Itching or Burning Sensation: The skin around varicose veins may become dry, itchy, or irritated, leading to discomfort.
  • Muscle Cramps: Some individuals with varicose veins experience muscle cramps, particularly at night.
  • Skin Changes: Over time, varicose veins can cause changes in the skin, including discoloration, thinning, and the development of ulcers near the affected veins.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

Fortunately, there are several effective treatment options available for varicose veins, ranging from conservative management to minimally invasive procedures. At iQonic, we offer personalised treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.

  • Lifestyle Changes: For mild cases, lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. These may include regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding prolonged standing or sitting, and wearing compression stockings to improve blood flow.
  • Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure in which a solution is injected into the varicose veins, causing them to collapse and fade over time. This treatment is particularly effective for smaller varicose veins and spider veins.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy uses focused light energy to target and close off varicose veins. This procedure is non-invasive and requires no incisions, making it a popular choice for treating superficial veins.
  • Endovenous Ablation: Endovenous ablation is a minimally invasive technique that uses radiofrequency or laser energy to heat and seal off the affected veins. This procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia and is effective for larger varicose veins.
  • Surgical Options: In more severe cases, surgical options such as vein stripping or phlebectomy may be necessary. These procedures involve the removal of the affected veins and are typically reserved for cases where other treatments have not been successful.
  • Compression Therapy: Wearing compression stockings can help improve circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate discomfort. Compression therapy is often recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

If you’re concerned about varicose veins and want to explore your treatment options, contact iQonic today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team is here to help you achieve healthier, more comfortable legs and regain your confidence.