Gynecomastia vs. Pseudogynecomastia: What’s the Difference?

Enlarged male breasts can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for many men. However, not all cases of male breast enlargement are the same. Gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia are two conditions that can cause similar physical appearances but have different underlying causes and treatment options. At iQonic, we aim to help you understand these conditions, so you can make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of male breast tissue caused by an imbalance between the hormones oestrogen and testosterone. Oestrogen, which promotes the growth of breast tissue, is present in small amounts in men. However, when oestrogen levels become too high relative to testosterone, it can lead to the development of excess glandular tissue in the breasts, resulting in gynecomastia.

What is Pseudogynecomastia?

Pseudogynecomastia, on the other hand, is not caused by glandular tissue growth but by the accumulation of fat in the breast area. This condition is more common in overweight or obese men, as excess body fat can be deposited in various areas of the body, including the chest.

How to Tell the Difference Between Gynecomastia and Pseudogynecomastia

While both conditions can result in the appearance of enlarged breasts, there are some differences that can help you determine whether you’re dealing with gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia:

  • Tissue Composition: Gynecomastia involves the growth of glandular tissue, which feels firm and rubbery to the touch. Pseudogynecomastia is caused by fat accumulation, which feels softer and less dense.
  • Tenderness: Gynecomastia may cause tenderness or sensitivity in the breast area, while pseudogynecomastia typically does not.
  • Underlying Causes: Gynecomastia is often related to hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or health conditions. Pseudogynecomastia is primarily caused by weight gain and fat accumulation.

A professional evaluation is the best way to determine whether you have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia. At iQonic, our experienced surgeons can perform a thorough examination and use imaging tests if necessary to accurately diagnose your condition.

Treatment Options for Gynecomastia

The treatment for gynecomastia often depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition:

  • Hormone Therapy: If gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy may be recommended to restore the balance between oestrogen and testosterone.
  • Medication Adjustment: If your gynecomastia is a side effect of a medication, your doctor may suggest an alternative treatment or adjust the dosage to alleviate the condition.
  • Surgery: In cases where gynecomastia does not resolve on its own or causes significant discomfort or distress, surgical intervention may be the best option. Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, involves the removal of excess glandular tissue and fat to create a flatter, more masculine chest contour.

Treatment Options for Pseudogynecomastia

Since pseudogynecomastia is caused by fat accumulation, treatment typically focuses on reducing overall body fat:

  • Diet and Exercise: Adopting a healthy diet and regular exercise routine can help reduce overall body fat, including in the chest area. Cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and a balanced diet rich in whole foods can be effective strategies.
  • Liposuction: For men who have stubborn fat deposits in the chest area that don’t respond to diet and exercise, liposuction may be an option. This minimally invasive procedure involves the removal of excess fat through small incisions, resulting in a more contoured chest.

At iQonic, we offer personalised consultations to help you diagnose your condition and explore the best treatment options. If you’re concerned about enlarged male breasts and want to learn more about how we can help, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to support you on your journey to a more confident and comfortable you.